We went straight to the reservation booth and the lady asked us to wait and gave us a waiting list number 55. Mom went to the restroom and my brothers roamed around. I sat beside the entrance with this board above me. I patiently waited, stared into nothingness with the screaming lambs inside my head. After few numbers were called out I realized she was saying #58. How come we weren't called? Wasn't I paying attention? I asked my lil'bro to approach the lady and she said she called us out twice. How come I never heard her? And then I realized that maybe I'm getting used with waiting too long for anything or anyone that I fail to notice they've been calling out my attention but I chose to stay stagnant. We were then given a new number which was #60 and this time when I'm all ready paying attention it takes long enough for me to wait once more and now staring again but this time with the number that came before me when I should've been there first. I'm starving but nothing else left to do but wait, wait again, always waiting for something that is surely worth having.
(OCTOBER 2015)
Sunday is Sabbath Day, Family Day, and rest day. A time to retreat yourself from all the battles. A time for yourself and for your family. Anything that can feel you safe and loved, all the positive vibes there may be. I see them every time we attend mass on Sundays. And this Sunday I saw them enter the Church door at the Adoration both wearing white, holding each other's hand while the man was holding two blue plastic bags. We offered him a seat since his wife would be serving. He declined because he saw my baby brother and maybe he was bothered that it was my brother's seat so he took a chair for himself instead. But I wondered why wasn't he sitting on the chair that he just took, he just stood there and waited for his wife to finish her task. Held her hand and prayed with her, he was with her all throughout. He pulls out a chair for her, holds her hand, escorts her here and there, carries her handbag, greets his wife's server-mates (is there even such a word?) with a smile and leaves with her. Every Sunday I watch them, I don't know what their whole story is but they are both old and can't walk properly and still they serve God, they go to Church to serve and hear mass, together. Their love entices my hopeless romantic soul. Is there still a hope for millennials to have a similar love? A God-centered love.
(APRIL 2017)