Monday, February 23, 2015

Epistle II

I used to believe in Happy Endings, princes, knight in shining armor, castles, unicorns, Never land, happy couples. But when my parents got separated, those Fairy tale stories were instantly buried in my memory. I felt like my life became miserable then as I thought it could ever be, love became a fairy tale and then I never believed that it could come true. That everything just happens in one's head, writings, movies, and most of all an illusion. One time love became a game for me, wherein the one who falls in love is the loser, and the game player always wins. The image of one happy family to me exists only in old photographs. The ideal family was what my classmates have. Guess their break up and parting ways buried me 99.9%, I cling on to God.

And so here I am, striving yet still falling on the ground and breaking at times. There even came a time wherein I stopped fooling more and quite loved, I held on to love. Love then became my comfort zone, and this amazon retreated from her battle. Spilling her heart out, pouring love out, but ended in the pain of it. I try to make myself better than who I was, but still mess up once in a while. Once or twice they were proud of me but it's always a one-day grin or success. And now, here comes along a story I only knew existed in a great writer's hand, a story that only a great scriptwriter could write, a song that only a great composer could compose, a poem that only a great poet could be proud of. A majestic topic a debater would fight for to win, a case a great lawyer would surely argue for and could not let this lose, and lastly for a brave warrior, it is a great reason to battle for.

(MAY 2012)

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